find a new pattern brad tends to put in his film that not only the known to all eat/phone-call sequences, he also likes to be woken up to a bleary-eyed/hair rumpled situation by the then screen-girlfriend staring right at him... so far as Freddy's nightmares / johnny suede / legends of the fall / across the tracks
重新看了一遍《ROILLING IN THE DEEP》渡边信一郎依然还是那么屌 初看时感觉没有TV版的好再看一遍才发觉其实很多亮点 剑鱼二号最屌最酷炫的一战 TV版第一集那种打斗戏贯穿整个电影(中村丰牛逼) 剧情音乐保持了TV版的一贯素质 不输给TV版反派的大反派对得起电影的大排场 其实都无所谓了能看到斯派克杰特菲艾德艾因才是最开心的